Friday, April 17, 2009

Didn't see that coming.

Internet phenomena have become a huge part of our culture. People share videos on YouTube, and send them to each other in e mails and postings. My mother even sent me a few video's from YouTube the other day and I became very curious about how often people watch these video's and you can see the millions of views accounted for but which one takes the cake!! So I searched the internet for a while and found the top ten most popular youtube clips! and i was surprised to see that it was this:

The Evolution of Dance:

I just found it very interesting how people spend their time on the internet with the whole 'Rick Rolling' thing as well. People have a ton pf free time they spend exposed to media on the internet, these phenomens, I do think will be harnessed one day to be able to make money most likely from advertising. There are television commercials already pushing the Rick Astley as a pop culture icon for notability.

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